Business Segments

A Leading Industrial & Manufacturing Company, Serving Since 1985.

Our Business Nature

Our business philosophy is to meet the many stringent requirements of our customers with expertise and cost-effective professional solutions. As one of the major international players in EMS, CM, and OEM serving worldwide clients for more than 3 decades, our plastic injection molding equipment meets the needs of Elastomer, Thermoplastic and Thermostat materials while we maintain our cutting-edge advantage by investing in new technology.

Following the growing market demand and competition, we seize every opportunity to pursue quality excellence amid constant challenge. With more than 1500 workforce and over RM325 million in revenue, we are committed to maintain improvements to deliver the best possible result to our valued stakeholders.

With steady growth in the scale of business, our advanced facilities and experienced workforce are delivering world-class manufacturing output for a wide range of industries. From industrial packaging to automotive, E&E to personal care and hygiene, pharmaceutical & medical to pets, we march towards becoming the brand to satisfy every plastic needs.


Our innovative plastics are developed to meet a broad variety of automotive’s technological challenges. With durability and optimised aesthetic appearance, we are confident in providing a unique automotive interior experience that complement driving pleasure.


We take pride in being a part of the semiconductor industry, providing parts to complement our clients’ products. Being fully UL certified, we are committed to deliver products with safety and reliability assurance, meeting internationally approved standards.

Industrial Packaging

We take it to the next level of achievement by integrating innovation, R&D, quality control and environment sustainability into the production of plastic pallets and crates. We deliver our promise of customer satisfaction by offering quality products and prices at the best value.

Office Furniture

Over the years, we have also increased our services into designing and manufacturing high-end and appearance appealing furniture components including ergonomic office and work-from-home chairs for tasteful customers.

Personal Care & Hygiene

We prioritise in providing high-quality hygiene and personal care products for both males and females, ensuring one’s personal care and hygiene is taken care of. The robust design that comes with easy to clean and infection control is the reason for our personal care & hygiene product to be the preferred choice for our major clients.


Although our initial product was aquarium, which remains a staple of our expanding product range, we have increased the variety, design, and feature to satisfy customer needs. To date, we are proud to meet different requirements from fish taming to fish displaying, as well as fish farming sectors.

Thanks to our uncompromising pursuit of excellence, customers confidence in our durable, trendy and affordable pet crates or kennels have gained tremendous demands due to the growing interests in providing a better and comfortable home.

Pharmaceutical & Medical

The globally increasing health consciousness by the day has led to the growing requirements in high-quality medical products. Our operation of FDA Class I and II medical products, ranging from monitor systems and laboratory devices to high quality and resilient plastic casing and parts as well as medication containers are running aggressively to satisfy the pressing demand while we constantly upgrade ourselves to become an important part in making a difference in health.

Printing & Imaging Solutions

We gain recognitions for our extensive experience in quality plastic components for sophisticated photo image printer and copier. Over the years, we have tapped along the technology revolution from electronic cash register, fax machines, photocopier, scanner and from molding parts to secondary processes such as spraying, printing, silk screening until module assembly.


Through the R&D team, Guppy is always ready to venture into new product segment, bringing our customer’s vision to life. We cater wide range of products for Elastomer and Thermoplastic material.